
Configuration Guide for BlanketCobbleSpawners

Config File Location

The config file is located in config/BlanketCobbleSpawners on your server. This file controls global settings and specific spawner details. Below is an explanation of each part of the config file:

Global Config

  • version: Current version of the config.

    • Example: "1.0.0"

  • debugEnabled: Enable/disable debug mode for logging.

    • Example: false

  • cullSpawnerPokemonOnServerStop: If true, clears all spawned Pokémon when the server stops.

    • Example: true

  • showUnimplementedPokemonInGui: If true, shows unimplemented Pokémon in the GUI.

    • Example: false


Each spawner is defined in the "spawners" array. Here are the key settings:

  • spawnerPos: The position of the spawner (x, y, z coordinates).

    • Example: "x": 30, "y": 74, "z": 12

  • spawnerName: Name of the spawner.

    • Example: "spawner_1"

  • selectedPokemon: The Pokémon the spawner will spawn.

Pokémon Settings

  • pokemonName: Name of the Pokémon.

    • Example: "Geodude"

  • spawnChance: Probability of the Pokémon spawning (as a percentage).

    • Example: 47.0

  • shinyChance: Probability of the Pokémon being shiny.

    • Example: 0.0

  • minLevel / maxLevel: The level range of the spawned Pokémon.

    • Example: "minLevel": 1, "maxLevel": 100

Capture Settings

  • isCatchable: Can the Pokémon be caught?

    • Example: true

  • restrictCaptureToLimitedBalls: If true, restricts the Pokémon capture to certain Pokéballs.

    • Example: false

  • requiredPokeBalls: List of allowed Pokéballs for capture (if restricted).

    • Example: "requiredPokeBalls": ["safari_ball"]

IV Settings

Control IV stats for spawned Pokémon:

  • allowCustomIvs: Enable custom IV ranges for the Pokémon.

    • Example: false

  • IV Ranges: Set min and max IV values for each stat.

    • Example: "minIVHp": 5, "maxIVHp": 31

EV Settings

Control the EVs gained by players when defeating the spawned Pokémon:

  • allowCustomEvsOnDefeat: Enable custom EVs for defeating Pokémon.

    • Example: false

  • EV Values: Set the EV points for each stat.

    • Example: "evHp": 0, "evAttack": 0

Spawn Conditions

  • spawnTime: Time of day the Pokémon spawns (e.g., "ALL", "DAY", "NIGHT").

    • Example: "spawnTime": "ALL"

  • spawnWeather: Weather conditions for spawning (e.g., "ALL", "CLEAR", "RAIN", "THUNDER").

    • Example: "spawnWeather": "ALL"

Additional Spawner Settings

  • dimension: Dimension where the spawner is located.

    • Example: "minecraft:overworld"

  • spawnTimerTicks: Time in ticks between spawn checks (20 ticks = 1 second).

    • Example: 200 (10 seconds)

  • spawnRadius: Horizontal and vertical spawn radius.

    • Example: "width": 4, "height": 4

  • spawnLimit: Maximum number of Pokémon that can spawn at once.

    • Example: 4

  • visible: If true, makes the spawner visible.

    • Example: true

  • showParticles: If true, displays particles around the spawner.

    • Example: true

Applying Changes

After editing the config, restart the server or use /blanketcobblespawners reload to apply the changes.

Last updated