
Configuration Guide for BlanketRTP

The configuration file for BlanketRTP allows you to customize teleportation features, biome-specific RTP, gliding options, particle effects, and messages. This guide explains each section of the config file and how to adjust it to your needs.

Config File Location

The config file is located at config/blanketrtp/blanketrtp.conf. Here’s what each section does:

General Settings


  • The current version of the mod configuration.

    • Example: 1.0.1


  • A list of alternative commands for /rtp. You can add your own aliases.

    • Example: [rtp, wild]

RTP Options


  • Enables or disables random teleportation.

    • Example: true


  • The range within which players will be teleported randomly.

    • Example: 4000 (players will be teleported within a 4000-block radius)


  • The default dimension for RTP when no other is specified.

    • Example: "minecraft:overworld"


  • A list of dimensions where RTP is disabled.

    • Example: ["minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end"]


  • Enables or disables cooldowns between teleportations.

    • Example: true


  • Sets the duration of the cooldown between teleportations (in seconds).

    • Example: 600 (10 minutes)

Biome RTP Options


  • Enables or disables biome-specific RTP. If enabled, players can use /rtp [biome] to teleport to a random spot in the specified biome.

    • Example: true

Gliding Options

General Gliding Options


  • Enables or disables the gliding mechanic during teleportation.

    • Example: true


  • Enables the gliding animation during teleportation.

    • Example: true


  • Applies a slow falling effect when gliding.

    • Example: false


  • Applies a speed boost when gliding.

    • Example: false

Glider Item Options


  • Enables or disables the automatic equipping of a glider item during teleportation.

    • Example: true


  • The equipment slot where the glider item will be placed (e.g., "chest" for Elytra).

    • Example: "chest"


  • The ID of the glider item.

    • Example: "minecraft:elytra"


  • Custom model data for the glider item.

    • Example: 123456


  • A custom name for the glider item.

    • Example: "Custom Glider Name"


  • Custom lore for the glider item (displayed when hovering over the item).

    • Example: ["Line 1 of Lore", "Line 2 of Lore"]


  • Enchantments for the glider item.

    • Example: [{id=minecraft:unbreaking, lvl=3}, {id=minecraft:mending, lvl=1}]


  • Hides specific item flags (like enchantments and attributes).

    • Example: 63 (hides all flags)

Particle Options


  • Enables or disables particles while gliding.

    • Example: true


  • The type of particle to be displayed while gliding.

    • Example: "minecraft:firework"


  • The number of particles spawned during gliding.

    • Example: 1


  • How often particles are updated (in ticks).

    • Example: 2 (every 2 ticks)


  • The offset for the particle effects along each axis.

    • Example: 0.0 for all (centered)

Gliding Teleport Height


  • The height players will teleport to when gliding starts. This ensures players glide from a high point.

    • Example: 150 (teleport to Y=150 when gliding)

Debug Options


  • Enables debug mode for additional logging and troubleshooting.

    • Example: false


Customize the messages that appear to players during RTP and gliding events.

  • messages.cooldownMessage: Message shown when a player is on cooldown.

    • Example: "Please wait {time} before using RTP again."

  • messages.searchingBiomeMessage: Message shown while searching for a biome.

    • Example: "Searching for biome: {biome}"

  • messages.findingLocationMessage: Message shown while finding a safe teleport location.

    • Example: "Finding optimal location..."

  • messages.teleportSuccessMessage: Message shown when teleportation is successful.

    • Example: "Teleportation successful!"

  • messages.failedSearchMessage: Message shown when a safe location cannot be found.

    • Example: "Failed to find a safe location. Please try again."

  • messages.rtpErrorMessage: Message shown when an error occurs during teleportation.

    • Example: "Error occurred during RTP. Please try again."

  • messages.glidingMessage: Message shown when a player is gliding.

    • Example: "You are gliding! Press SPACE to fly, and switch to 3rd-person (F5) for a better experience."

  • messages.equipPreventedMessage: Message shown when equipping an item is prevented while gliding.

    • Example: "You cannot equip that item while gliding."

  • messages.itemUsePreventedMessage: Message shown when using an item is prevented while gliding.

    • Example: "You cannot use this item while gliding."

  • messages.missingGliderMessage: Message shown when a missing glider is restored.

    • Example: "Glider item was missing and has been restored."

  • messages.teleportWhileGlidingMessage: Message shown when a player teleports while gliding.

    • Example: "You have been teleported while gliding."

Applying Changes

After editing the config file, reload the mod using /rtp reload to apply changes without restarting the server.

Last updated