FAQ - BlanketCobbleSpawners

Can players use spawners at their base?

No, players cannot use spawners at their personal bases. The mod is designed for server admins and map creators to have full control over where spawners are placed and managed. This ensures that spawners are used strategically in designated areas and prevents players from using them for personal gain in survival gameplay.

I can't find the Pokémon I'm looking for in the GUI. What can I do?

If you can't find the Pokémon you want in the GUI, you can add it manually using a command. Use the /blanketcobblespawners addmon [spawnerName] [pokemonName] command to add the specific Pokémon by name. This gives you flexibility to spawn any Pokémon, even if it's not immediately available in the GUI.

Can I place spawners indoors?

Yes, you can place spawners indoors. The spawner will still function as expected, as long as the spawning conditions (such as available space and spawn radius) are met. Be mindful of the height and width you’ve set in the spawner’s configuration to ensure enough room for the Pokémon to spawn.

Can I make spawners invisible to players?

Yes, spawners can be made invisible to players while still functioning. You can use the /blanketcobblespawners togglevisibility [spawnerName] command to hide or show the spawner. This is useful if you want to keep the spawner active but don't want players to see or interact with it directly.

I want to make only spawner Pokémon spawn and disable natural spawning. How do I do that?

To disable natural Pokémon spawning and only allow spawner-based Pokémon to appear, you can use the Flan mod with the Cobblemon Addon. By creating a claim with Flan and using the addon, you can disable natural Pokémon spawns within the claim’s boundaries while still allowing the spawners to function normally. This is ideal for creating controlled environments where you dictate what Pokémon can spawn.

Can I customize the spawn rates for specific Pokémon?

Yes, you can customize the spawn rates for each Pokémon directly from the spawner’s GUI or by editing the config. In the GUI, you can adjust the Spawn Chance for each Pokémon, giving you full control over how often each Pokémon appears. You can also modify this value using commands if you prefer.

Is it possible to have shiny Pokémon spawn?

Yes, you can configure shiny Pokémon to spawn. In the spawner’s GUI, there is an option to set the Shiny Chance for each Pokémon. You can choose any percentage chance, allowing you to create rare, shiny Pokémon spawns if desired.

Can I control which Pokéballs are allowed to catch spawner Pokémon?

Yes, you can control which Pokéballs are allowed to catch Pokémon spawned by a spawner. In the spawner’s settings, you can restrict capture to specific types of Pokéballs. This feature lets you create unique spawner rules, like allowing only certain Pokéballs (e.g., Safari Balls) to catch the Pokémon.

How do I remove a spawner if I no longer need it?

You can remove a spawner using the /blanketcobblespawners removespawner [spawnerName] command. This will remove both the spawner block and the associated Pokémon spawner configuration. If the spawner is hidden, it will still be removed from the world and the configuration file.

How do I edit the stats (IVs/EVs) of the spawned Pokémon?

You can easily edit the stats of the Pokémon spawned by a spawner using the GUI. Right-click the spawner to open the settings and find options to customize the IVs (Individual Values) and EVs (Effort Values) of the spawned Pokémon. You can adjust these values to create specific stat distributions or EV training spawners.

Can I teleport to a spawner?

Yes, you can teleport directly to a spawner using the /blanketcobblespawners tptospawner [spawnerName] command. This is useful for quickly managing or checking the spawner’s location, especially if you have multiple spawners spread out across your map.

Is there a way to list all active spawners on the server?

Yes, you can use the /blanketcobblespawners list command to display a list of all active spawners, along with their coordinates and the dimension they are in. This is a helpful way to keep track of all the spawners placed on your server.

How do I visualize a spawner's spawn radius?

You can visualize the spawn radius of a spawner by using the /blanketcobblespawners visualisespawnradius [spawnerName] command. This will show you the exact area where Pokémon can spawn, which is useful for adjusting the spawner’s location or settings.

If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or join our Discord!

Last updated