FAQ - BlanketEconomy

Can I create multiple currencies?

Yes! BlanketEconomy supports multiple currencies. You can define as many currencies as you want in the config file. Each currency can have its own name, material, lore, and unique identifier. Simply add a new currency definition to the config/blanketeconomy/config.json file.

How do I transfer currency between players?

Players can transfer currency using the /beco pay <amount> <player> <currencyType> command. This will deduct the specified amount from the sender’s balance and add it to the recipient’s balance.

Can players withdraw currency as items?

Yes! Players can withdraw currency from their balance as physical items using the /beco withdraw <amount> <currencyType> command. These items can then be held or traded with other players.

How do I deposit items as currency?

Players can deposit items representing currency into their balance using the /beco deposit <currencyType> command. The items will be converted into the specified currency and added to the player's balance.

Can I customize the item used for currency?

Yes, you can customize the material (item) used to represent each currency by setting the material parameter in the currency definition in the config file. For example, you can use minecraft:gold_ingot or minecraft:diamond as the item that represents a specific currency.

How do I reload the configuration without restarting the server?

Admins can reload the mod’s configuration using the /beco reload command. This applies any changes made to the config file without needing a server restart.

Can I set a starting balance for new players?

Yes, you can set a starting balance for new players for each currency. In the config file, each currency can have a balanceStart parameter, which defines how much of that currency a player will have when they first join the server.

Is there support for custom model data for currency items?

Yes, you can specify custom model data for currency items using the custommodeldata field in the currency definition. This allows you to use custom textures and models for your currency items.

Can I customize the messages players see during transactions?

Yes, the config file includes a messages section where you can customize the text displayed to players during various economic transactions, such as when they pay, deposit, or withdraw currency.

How do I manage player balances as an admin?

Admins can use the following commands to manage player balances:

  • Add Currency: /beco add <amount> <player> <currencyType>

  • Remove Currency: /beco remove <amount> <player> <currencyType> These commands allow you to add or subtract currency from a player’s balance.

If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or join our community Discord!

Last updated