API Functionality

API Functionality

This section provides detailed documentation for each function available in the BlanketEconomy API. These functions are designed to help developers manage in-game currencies effectively, both virtual and item-based.

1. getBalance

Signature: getBalance(playerId: UUID, currencyType: String): BigDecimal

  • Description: Retrieves the balance of a specific player for a given currency type.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

  • Returns: BigDecimal - The balance of the player in the specified currency.

  • Example:

    val balance = api.getBalance(playerUUID, "gold_coin")
    println("Player balance: $balance")

2. setBalance

Signature: setBalance(playerId: UUID, balance: BigDecimal, currencyType: String)

  • Description: Sets the balance of a specific player for a given currency type.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

    • balance (BigDecimal): The new balance to set.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

  • Example:

    api.setBalance(playerUUID, BigDecimal(1000), "gold_coin")

3. addBalance

Signature: addBalance(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String)

  • Description: Adds a specific amount to the balance of a player for a given currency type.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

    • amount (BigDecimal): The amount to add.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

  • Example:

    api.addBalance(playerUUID, BigDecimal(500), "cobble_coin")

4. subtractBalance

Signature: subtractBalance(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String): Boolean

  • Description: Subtracts a specific amount from the balance of a player for a given currency type. Returns true if successful, false otherwise.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

    • amount (BigDecimal): The amount to subtract.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

  • Returns: Boolean - true if the balance was successfully subtracted; false otherwise.

  • Example:

    val success = api.subtractBalance(playerUUID, BigDecimal(100), "gold_coin")
    if (success) {
        println("Balance subtracted successfully.")
    } else {
        println("Insufficient funds.")

5. transfer

Signature: transfer(fromPlayerId: UUID, toPlayerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String): Boolean

  • Description: Transfers a specific amount of currency from one player to another. Returns true if successful, false if the sender has insufficient funds.

  • Parameters:

    • fromPlayerId (UUID): The UUID of the player sending the currency.

    • toPlayerId (UUID): The UUID of the player receiving the currency.

    • amount (BigDecimal): The amount to transfer.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

  • Returns: Boolean - true if the transfer was successful; false otherwise.

  • Example:

    val transferSuccess = api.transfer(fromPlayerUUID, toPlayerUUID, BigDecimal(150), "gold_coin")
    if (transferSuccess) {
        println("Transfer completed successfully.")
    } else {
        println("Transfer failed: insufficient funds.")

6. addEventListener

Signature: addEventListener(listener: EconomyEventListener)

  • Description: Adds an event listener to the economy system. The listener will be notified of specific events, such as when a player's balance changes.

  • Parameters:

    • listener (EconomyEventListener): The listener to handle events.

  • Example:

    val myListener = object : EconomyEventListener {
        override fun onBalanceChanged(playerId: UUID, currencyType: String, newBalance: BigDecimal) {
            println("Player $playerId has a new balance of $newBalance $currencyType.")

7. removeEventListener

Signature: removeEventListener(listener: EconomyEventListener)

  • Description: Removes a previously added event listener from the economy system.

  • Parameters:

    • listener (EconomyEventListener): The listener to remove.

  • Example:


8. conditionalTransaction

Signature: conditionalTransaction(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String, condition: (BigDecimal) -> Boolean): Boolean

  • Description: Performs a transaction that subtracts an amount from a player's balance only if a condition is met.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

    • amount (BigDecimal): The amount to subtract.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

    • condition ((BigDecimal) -> Boolean): The condition for the transaction.

  • Returns: Boolean - true if the condition was met and the transaction succeeded.

  • Example:

    val condition: (BigDecimal) -> Boolean = { balance -> balance > BigDecimal(500) }
    val result = api.conditionalTransaction(playerUUID, BigDecimal(100), "gold_coin", condition)
    if (result) {
        println("Transaction successful!")
    } else {
        println("Transaction failed: Condition not met or insufficient funds.")

9. logTransaction

Signature: logTransaction(playerId: UUID, currencyType: String, amount: BigDecimal, type: String)

  • Description: Logs a transaction for a player.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

    • currencyType (String): The type of currency.

    • amount (BigDecimal): The amount of the transaction.

    • type (String): The type of transaction (e.g., "credit", "debit").

  • Example:

    api.logTransaction(playerUUID, "gold_coin", BigDecimal(150), "credit")
    println("Transaction logged for player $playerUUID.")

10. getTransactionHistory

Signature: getTransactionHistory(playerId: UUID): List<Transaction>

  • Description: Retrieves the transaction history for a specific player.

  • Parameters:

    • playerId (UUID): The UUID of the player.

  • Returns: List<Transaction> - A list of transaction details.

  • Example:

    val history = api.getTransactionHistory(playerUUID)
    history.forEach { transaction ->
        println("Transaction Type: ${transaction.type}, Amount: ${transaction.amount}, Currency: ${transaction.currencyType}")

Additional API Functions

 * The instance of the Minecraft server this API is operating on.
val server: MinecraftServer

 * Retrieves the balance of a player for a specific currency type.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to check.
 * @return The balance as a BigDecimal.
fun getBalance(playerId: UUID, currencyType: String): BigDecimal

 * Sets the balance of a player for a specific currency type.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param balance The new balance to set.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to set the balance for.
fun setBalance(playerId: UUID, balance: BigDecimal, currencyType: String)

 * Adds an amount to a player's balance for a specific currency type.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param amount The amount to add.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to add to.
fun addBalance(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String)

 * Subtracts an amount from a player's balance for a specific currency type.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param amount The amount to subtract.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to subtract from.
 * @return True if the operation was successful, false if the player has insufficient funds.
fun subtractBalance(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String): Boolean

 * Transfers an amount of currency from one player to another.
 * @param fromPlayerId The UUID of the player sending the currency.
 * @param toPlayerId The UUID of the player receiving the currency.
 * @param amount The amount to transfer.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to transfer.
 * @return True if the transfer was successful, false otherwise.
fun transfer(fromPlayerId: UUID, toPlayerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String): Boolean

 * Registers an event listener for economy-related events.
 * @param listener The event listener to add.
fun addEventListener(listener: EconomyEventListener)

 * Unregisters an event listener for economy-related events.
 * @param listener The event listener to remove.
fun removeEventListener(listener: EconomyEventListener)

 * Performs a transaction only if a specified condition is met.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param amount The amount for the transaction.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to transact.
 * @param condition A lambda function that defines the condition.
 * @return True if the transaction is completed, false otherwise.
fun conditionalTransaction(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String, condition: (BigDecimal) -> Boolean): Boolean

 * Logs a transaction for a player in a specific currency type.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency.
 * @param amount The amount involved in the transaction.
 * @param type The type of transaction (e.g., "credit", "debit").
fun logTransaction(playerId: UUID, currencyType: String, amount: BigDecimal, type: String)

 * Retrieves the transaction history for a player.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @return A list of transactions made by the player.
fun getTransactionHistory(playerId: UUID): List<Transaction>

 * Creates a new currency with specific properties.
 * @param name The name of the currency.
 * @param lore The lore (description) of the currency.
 * @param material The material type of the currency item.
 * @param customModelData The custom model data ID for the item.
 * @param balanceStart The starting balance for this currency.
 * @return True if the currency was created successfully, false otherwise.
fun createCurrency(name: String, lore: String, material: String, customModelData: Int, balanceStart: BigDecimal, symbol: String, isPrimary: Boolean): Boolean

 * Checks if a player has enough funds for a transaction.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param amount The amount to check.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency.
 * @return True if the player has enough funds, false otherwise.
fun hasEnoughFunds(playerId: UUID, amount: BigDecimal, currencyType: String): Boolean

 * Manages a player's inventory by adding or removing a specified item.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param itemStack The item stack to add or remove.
 * @param action The action to perform (ADD or REMOVE).
 * @return True if the action was successful, false otherwise.
fun manageInventory(playerId: UUID, itemStack: ItemStack, action: InventoryAction): Boolean

 * Processes a batch of transactions.
 * @param transactions A list of transactions to process.
 * @return True if all transactions were processed successfully, false otherwise.
fun processBatchTransactions(transactions: List<Transaction>): Boolean

 * Adds a specified amount of currency items to a player's inventory.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param itemStack The currency item stack.
 * @param amount The amount to add.
 * @return True if the currency items were added successfully, false otherwise.
fun addCurrencyItem(playerId: UUID, itemStack: ItemStack, amount: Int): Boolean

 * Removes a specified amount of currency items from a player's inventory.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param itemStack The currency item stack.
 * @param amount The amount to remove.
 * @return True if the currency items were removed successfully, false otherwise.
fun removeCurrencyItem(playerId: UUID, itemStack: ItemStack, amount: Int): Boolean

 * Transfers a specified amount of currency items from one player to another.
 * @param fromPlayerId The UUID of the player sending the currency items.
 * @param toPlayerId The UUID of the player receiving the currency items.
 * @param itemStack The currency item stack.
 * @param amount The amount to transfer.
 * @return True if the transfer was successful, false otherwise.
fun transferCurrencyItem(fromPlayerId: UUID, toPlayerId: UUID, itemStack: ItemStack, amount: Int): Boolean

 * Gets the balance of a specific currency item in a player's inventory.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param itemStack The currency item stack to check.
 * @return The total amount of the currency item in the player's inventory.
fun getCurrencyItemBalance(playerId: UUID, itemStack: ItemStack): Int

 * Checks if a player has enough of a specific currency item.
 * @param playerId The UUID of the player.
 * @param itemStack The currency item stack to check.
 * @param amount The amount required.
 * @return True if the player has enough currency items, false otherwise.
fun hasEnoughCurrencyItems(playerId: UUID, itemStack: ItemStack, amount: Int): Boolean

 * Gets the type of a currency item based on its properties.
 * @param itemStack The currency item stack.
 * @return The currency type as a string, or null if it is not a currency item.
fun getCurrencyItemType(itemStack: ItemStack): String?

 * Retrieves the primary currency from the configuration.
 * @return The primary currency as EconomyConfig.
fun getPrimaryCurrency(): Blanketconfig.EconomyConfig?

 * Returns the valid currency type or falls back to the primary currency if the type is incorrect.
 * @param currencyType The requested currency type.
 * @return The valid currency type or the primary one.
fun getCurrencyTypeOrFallback(currencyType: String): String

 * Retrieves the symbol for a specific currency type.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency.
 * @return The symbol of the currency as a string, or empty string if not found.
fun getCurrencySymbol(currencyType: String): String

 * Retrieves the list of all configured currencies.
 * @return A list of `EconomyConfig` representing all available currencies.
fun getCurrencyList(): List<Blanketconfig.EconomyConfig>

 * Checks if a currency with the specified type exists.
 * @param currencyType The type of currency to check.
 * @return True if the currency exists, false otherwise.
fun currencyExists(currencyType: String): Boolean

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